Sunday, 18 July 2010

My first...

Hi, and welcome to my blog.

This is very much a work in progress, so feel free to come with input or suggestions to the content.
As I am at home on maternity leave, I have, as others in the same situation I guess, many ambitions of what to do in those endless hours when Little H is sleeping. So far very little has been accomplished in terms of knitting, reading, working out and other activities you are supposed to have time for when at home for more than 8 months.
Poor little one seems to have Colic and time has been spent comforting her and worrying how to comfort her. So far we have tried various ways of carrying her, drops from the pharmacy, malt in her milk, physiotherapy, massage, soothing music and more.

They say that Colic is most intense around week 6 and as Little H is around 6 weeks old, I guess that it cannot be worse.
However, I love my new life and all that comes with it. This blog will be a way of following my journey as I struggle to become a yummy mummy (it will never happen) or at least a decent one!

Lady B


  1. Dette er en bra start snuppa :) Gleder meg til å følge med på bloggen fremover :) Og ja, vet alt om det å ha planer når de sover...well...håper Little H snart blir bra!!!

  2. Fin blogg Trude! Och väldigt fint foto på dig och Hanna! Jag har min blogg här:
    Kramar till dig och familjen!


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