Saturday, 15 January 2011

New year - same me

With Little H around there is no way to predict what 2011 will bring, except snot, wet nappies and stains on unimaginable places.  But I can also predict winning smiles, smelly farts, teething tantrums and my feeling of pure happiness every time I see the little Lady’s face or hear her infectious laughter. This year is gonna be a good one!

Many people make New Year resolutions and fail to stick to them in the long term, and so do I. I have made them all, one year after the other: No sugar on weekdays, no caffeine, no impulse shopping, going to the gym five times a week, not watching C.S.I and other rubbish, but highly entertaining TV-series. Who am I kidding? Well, as we all know, no one but me, ending up making myself feeling miserable having failed to go to the gym for the sixt day in a row, so I comfort munch pick’n’mix in front of Horatio and the cringe-worthy C.S.I. Miami. Ah, guilty pleasures.
This year it’s all gonna change – yes, it is! I am a sucker for all life-coaching tips and tricks and have decided that instead of making resolutions I am going to set myself goals, and by being past mid-January (it has taken me that long to figure this out) such goals cannot really be compared to new year resolutions – gotcha!
I’ll share the first one with you, also inspired by life-coaching mumbo-jumbo (read common sense).
Every night before I go to bed I am going to write down five things to be grateful for.
This is tonight’s list:

  1. I am grateful to Pappa Kas for watching Little H while I was rumbling the sales this morning.
  2. I am grateful for Little H sleeping all through the night
  3. I am grateful for not having finished all the home made pizza last night so that I could indulge the leftovers this afternoon
  4. I am grateful for being able to snuggle in the sofa while the snow is falling heavily outside
  5. Most of all today I am grateful for being able to spend most of this Saturday close to Pappa Kas and Little H, feeling how great a family I have!
Trivial I know, but I am smiling so it seems to be working so far.

1 comment:

  1. Det var fine ting å være takknemlig for, sånn skal jeg jaggu gjøre av og til:) ellers så er det vel bare en gang i livet jeg har klart å holde forsetter mitt, slutte å røyke! Den klarte jeg for to år siden:D


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