Monday, 10 December 2012

Baby it's cold outside

Well, not anymore. We’re up to minus 3 Celsius, which is 15 degrees warmer than last week. 

We’ve just had exotic visitors from far far away. Amama Socco and Aixite Sebas came from the warm south to inspect their new granddaughter, Baby M and to catch up with their “oldest” one Little H( which is two and a half).
Mmmmm, chocolate
Amama and Aixite had eagerly followed the weather forecast for Norway on various websites and had become a bit concerned when the temperature started falling below zero and snow was starting to fall.  We tried to hide these minor details for them, as we thought they might postpone their visit if they knew the truth about the December weather. 

Before they came we prepared by buying spikes to attach to their shoes so not to slip on the ice. We stocked up on firewood, and found extra hats, gloves and other necessities.

When they arrived I was impressed by their good spirits, they dressed in layers and went out on walks and played with Little H in the snow.
I was extra happy that we could show them some of our Christmas preparations and they both had Christmas porridge (boiled rice and milk with a bit of vanilla). A tradition is to hide and almond in the porridge and whoever finds it gets a small pig (!?!) made of marzipan.

See and Learn Little H
Aixite Sebas also decorated gingerbread cookies with a precision I have never seen. Every M&M was placed carefully on the cookie in the desired pattern before glazing was applied as to test the symmetry and color coordination of the small chocolates before they got glued on the cookie. I started to understand where Pappa Kas’ sense of detail and thoroughness comes from…

After a week of cooing over Baby M and running after Little H they went back south with tales of cookies shaped like pigs and reindeer, almonds hidden in porridge, kids playing outside in minus 8 C, and real pine trees with lights outside everywhere.

They must think that Norwegians are mad about Christmas. And I guess we are…

Proud Amama and Baby M


  1. Hehe, vinter og julefeiring i Norge kan sikkert oppleves som ganske eksotisk:) Når det gjelder hudpleiespørsmålet ditt (og tusen takk for fine ord), så svarer jeg deg her også: Vet ikke hvilken dagkrem du bruker, men du kan bruke et fuktgivende serum under dagkremen og en ekstra nærende nattkrem. Du kan f.eks prøve Angelique serum og night balm fra Decleor. Essential Cleansing Milk er også helt deilig:) De er ganske dyre, men drøye, og hvis du bestiller fra Feelunique, så refunderer de tollgebyret. Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance er også bra, men dyr:) Et billigere alternativ er produktene fra Avene, vet at mange makeupartister sverger til dette merket. Nyperoseolje eller jojbaolje er et rimelig alternativ til serum og dyre ansiktsoljer. Det var mine forslag, håper de kan være til hjelp:)

  2. Innbiller meg at julefeiring er ekstra stort her til lands pga den harde, mørke vinteren vi må igjennom - sånn med tanke på fruktbarhetsdyrkningen før kristendom og senere velferd tok over... Henger nok mye tradisjoner fra da vi var preget av fattigdom og avhengige av gode avlinger. :-)

    Men så koselig med besøk før jul, var nok stas for dem å se det nye familiemedlemmet samt godt for lille H å se dem igjen. Høres ut som dere hadde det koselig alle sammen :-)

    Kos dere masse nå i siste innspurt før jul
    og ha en riktig fin jul :-)


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