Saturday 31 December 2011

Christmas snapshots

We’re at the end of 2011 and as always the year has flown by. It feels like it especially speeded up towards Christmas and most of my plans stayed exactly that - plans. No handmade presents, Cards or Christmas decorations. There’s always a next year…

Little H was under the weather since October with a fever and runny nose on and off. It peaked and was diagnosed as Mykoplasma (a type of pneumonia) on Monday the 19th of December. We went to the doctor already in October and I was more or less told that she had a common cold and that I was a hysterical first-time mum. So I waited and waited to visit the doctor again. When we finally went it was straight on Antibiotics and I felt like the worst mum ever who for weeks on end had thought that Little H only had a common cold...

Here is a snapshot of some of our pre-Christmas preparations:

Cute as a cookie
We had of course our traditional Gingerbread making Sunday together with Sergio’s Senoritas. Which was as hectic and fun as ever. Little H has three wonderful and very energetic "little sisters" in Ashley, Audrey and Adriana. Unfortunately, there were little fun and games as  Little H was sleeping with a fever most of the day. Well then me and H had to have another gingerbread baking session an other day which was just as fun, but not the same.

Blue Santa

We  also had or first Lucia celebration, as written about in the previous blog entry. Not an eye was dry. I was the proudest mum ever.
However,the success and smugness of Little H’s Lucia outfit did not last long. The next day picking her up from the nursery I was told that they were going to have a “nissefest” the next day and that all the kids were going to dress up like small Santas (without the beard). Crap. No Santa hat, no red dress, nothing near a cute little Santas helper outfit was to be found in our house. And there was no time to buy anything. So what did I do? I posted a plea for a Santa hat on Facebook and got to borrow one from one of my best friends son. It was of course blue…. - but did that matter? The next day, Little H was dressed in red and denim and had a cute blue Santa hat on her head. Pappa Kas took her proudly to the nursery only to discover that she was the only one with a blue hat. Not even any of the boys had a blue one! Double crap. All my mummy points were gone, and I am back to zero.

On the 22nd of December (a  non-fever day for H) we went to my parents house to decorate their tree. It is a tradition I do not want to be without. Even that we have our own tree at home, it is something special to come home to your parents and “help” them prepare their house for Christmas.  Little H decorated herself with glitter and small golden pebbles.She's such a girlie girl.
Pearly Queen

On Christmas Eve the house was in chaos until the bells rang at 4 pm. We were cooking, cleaning and doing the things we should have done days before, preparing franticly for our guests to come. I also had to nip out to get Pappa Kas’ Christmas present. It was not as bad as it sounds...I knew what to get, but had not had the opportunity to buy it.I promise.
Presents presents presents

A week has passed since Christmas Eve and I have had the chance to breath and relax. Reflecting upon December I can conclude that the run up to the 24th was hectic, feverish and stressful, but it was all worth it and I will do the same next year. Well, I will make a red Santa hat, I will make my own decorations, I will, I will, I will.

What is your best Christmas memory from 2011?  

I also want to say thanks for a great 2011 and Happy New Year to all of you. 
Make 2012 to the year you want it to be. I intend to! 


  1. Dette høres ut som en vanlig stressende, men koselig jul :)) Tiden ble knappere enn vi hadde planlagt selv. Rakk så vidt å lage ferdig julegavene til tantungene, men de voksne, de fikk kjøpte gaver. Julepynten ble også kjøpt :) Noen kaker rakk vi å bake da hihi.

    Her har vi fått sjekket oss for mykoplasma nå på fredag, får vite på fredag om det er det vi har. Nå er vi plutselig usikre, fordi vi er nesten friske igjen. Men alle tre voksne (hatt besøk av min søster) har hatt utrolige smerter i lungene, slitt veldig med å puste, men ellers vært friske. Dog min søster er ganske forkjøla og. Tids er vanlig snørrete og surklete som hun har vært i hele høst :/ Håper vi ikke har mykoplasma, men om ikke skulle jeg likt å vite hvorfor vi hadde så vondt... disse kroppene våre er så snodige :)

    Men det jeg kom inn for å si var: Godt nytt år til deg og dine :)) Håper dere får et riktig fint 2012 !:)

  2. Hmmm, ja det var ikke så lett å finne ut av at denne forkjølelsen var Mykoplasma. Og siden hele barnehagen enten var forkjølet, hadde vannkopper eller omgangssyke, så ville jeg ikke vaere en mer sutrete og overbeskyttende mamma enn de andre.
    Heldigvis virket den typen Antibiotika hun fikk naermest over natten. Og hun har blitt sitt vanlige energiske jeg igjen.
    Håper at dere alle blir fort friske og finner ut av det. Det verste er jo når en ikke vet hva som feiler en (eller barna sine).
    Godt nytt til dere også. Jeg føler en "wind of change" og tror at 2012 blir spennende!

  3. Godt nyttår snuppa!!

    Savner dere:)

  4. Godt godt godt nytt til deg og dere :-)

    Miss u too babe!

  5. Godt nytt år! Kjipt med sykdom, vi hadde tre stk med vannkopper etter hverandre, men det gikk det også:) Hilsen fra nord.

  6. Gott Nytt 2012 Trude! Vi får se till att det här blir ett riktigt härligt och spännande år! Hoppas Hanna mår bra nu! Saknar dig, skulle vara kul att ses nån gång igen!


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