Tuesday 15 February 2011

Skiing for the boy(s) and shopping for the girls

We survived the weekend without Pappa Kas - no problem. I guess he survived without us as well, but he was looking pretty rough when he came in the front door after Little H’s bedtime Sunday night. I got the story little by little: sauna, tequila, aquavit and the usual shenanigans. In other words: a perfectly normal company skiing trip.
When I go on a skiing trip it is totally different. I’m in bed by 10 pm and up by 7 am to wax skis, make a packed lunch and to be the first one to hit the slopes. No stronger beverage than cod liver oil is consumed.

Look what I bought with
Pappa's card!
So what did we do over the weekend? We certainly did some shopping, had coffees and some girlie chat. I was planning to go on a big spending spree with Pappa Kas’ credit card, but it was hard to stay focused on the shopping when Little H constantly chatted (shrieked in delight) to staff in the shops and old ladies kept saying things like “what a nice little boy!” and “what’s his name?”. With other words: Just another usual day out and about with Little H. 

Sunday night I tried to keep the little bundle of joy awake until Pappa Kas came home, but I did not stand a chance. Little H started getting tired (read grumpy) around 6 pm. We then went to have a bath, which she loves, in order to buy us some time as Kas was sitting in a traffic jam somewhere (read: having a burger stop).

When Little H’s lips started to turn blue and her toes and fingertips looked like mini raisins, bath-time was over and I tried to lift her out of her little tub. She protested wildly, we are talking her much feared high-pitched screams (see video: chitty chat) but after having given her a toy to chew while singing one of her favorite songs (not the poo one, but the Wheels on the bus) she calmed down.

When Pappa Kas opened the front door a few minutes after Little H had fallen asleep I was already standing in the kitchen with a bottle in the one hand and a bottle opener in the other- Hora Feliz!

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